
Epona Equine has a 3.2m Gastroscope available for diagnosis of Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome. We can diagnose both squamous and glandular ulcers in the stomach. Scoping is the only way to definitively diagnose ulcers in horses.

Preparing for a Gastroscopy

To prepare for your horse’s gastroscopy appointment, follow the below instructions to ensure the most successful appointment:

  • Remove feed (fast) for 16 to 18 hours prior to your horse’s appointment

  • Remove water 2-4 hours before your horse’s appointment

  • Keep your horse is a stall with no bedding and manure removed frequently to avoid having them eat something that can prevent our view of the stomach

  • Use a grazing muzzle to prevent nibbling any debris available

In some cases, the gastroscope can also be used to evaluate the upper airway of the horse as it is a narrower diameter than many gastroscopes. It can be used to perform a Broncho-Alveolar Lavage (BAL) to diagnose Equine Asthma or Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH). Depending on the size of your horse and area that needs to be assessed, we may still have to refer you to a clinic with a narrower upper airway scope.

3.2m endoscope

Grade 4 Squamous Ulcers